We apologize for the inconvenience. Details and measures for confirmed issues will be updated as soon as it is possible.
To prevent trouble with the app please follow these steps:
- Update the TimeTree app to its latest version
- iOS: App Store
- Android: Google Play Store
- Update your device to the latest version
- See the system details of your device and update them if needed
- If the problem persists, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form within the app.
- Open the main menu > App Settings > Support
- Mail us at support@timetreeapp.com
Stay updated
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimeTreeApp
- Notice Blog: https://timetreeapp.com/intl/en/newsroom/notice
If your app is unresponsive/crashes:
- Make sure you have a registered account and re-install the app
- Use the web version instead while waiting for the issue to be fixed
Recent bugs under investigation
The latest updates are in blue.
2024/01/14 | Web | Displays “Unset birthday” after settings a birthday for a new virtual member. |
2024/01/14 | Android | Unable to post images larger than 2MB except for JPEG |
2024/01/14 | Android | Tapping information in “Location” is not pinned on the destination map. |
2024/12/11 | iOS | When specifying a repeat end date in an event that has a day counter, the display shifts |
2024/12/11 | iOS/Android | The sticker selection icon is not displayed |
2024/12/03 | Web | When opening a repeating event that spans over multiple days, an error message "Event not found." is displayed. |
2024/12/03 | Android | Duplicate events appear on the list view |
2024/11/21 | Web | Repeating events cannot be opened in a specific time zone |
2024/11/21 | iOS | Events are set to the wrong time when created using "Scan events from images" |
2024/11/21 | Web | If six or more events are created for the same time, the times are displayed overlapping |
2024/10/21 | Web | When the calendar is opened on the web version, the login time is not updated on the app side. |
2024/09/30 | iOS | When importing an external calendar, recurring events disappear from the external calendar |
2024/8/23 | Web | When an event timed after 11 pm is created by double-clicking on the Public Calendar, it gets created the next day. |
2024/8/05 | Android | Copying an event by drag and drop does not save it properly |
2024/06/24 | Android | Android Dialog/popup does not disappear after pressing "Close". |
2024/05/13 | Web | Unable to set daily repeat |
2024/04/01 | Android |
Repeating events are doubled in the list view |
2024/03/11 | Android 12.13.0 |
An ad flashes on the daily view when an event is deleted |
2024/02/14 | Android |
The event is displayed on the monthly and weekly views, but not in the list view |
Fixed bugs
The latest updates are in blue. Please update the newest version of the app when it is available. The list is from the past 6 months.
Date | OS / Version | Issue details |
2024/01/14 | Android/iOS | Error when tapping the “Invite” button on the administrator screen of a Public Calendar |
2024/01/14 | Android | Birthdays of virtual members are out of sync under certain time zones |
2024/01/14 | iOS | Unable to toggle input |
2024/12/03 | Android | Birthdays are only visible in Monthly and List views for all calendars |
2024.12.03 | iOS 18.2 (Beta) | Can't Subscribe to TimeTree Premium |
2024/12/03 | Android | Event scan feature not available on some images |
2024/11/21 | Android | Only the label name changes, but the label color does not change |
2024/11/21 | Android | If an event during daylight saving time is dragged and dropped after daylight saving time, the time is shifted |
2024/11/21 | iOS | Video ads are displayed in Singapore and the app cannot be used properly |
2024/11/21 | Web | Editing an event in a specific time zone causes it to be off by one day |
2024/11/11 | Web | Narrowing down and displaying only my appointments” does not work when there are too many appointments registered on the Web version |
2024/11/11 | Web | Events set to 0:00~0:00 in the App version are not displayed in the Web version. |
2024/11/11 | Web | The monthly calendar screen is cut off. |
2024/11/11 | Web | Cannot move or copy appointments from a day with four or more appointments |
2024/11/11 | Web | Lunar calendar is not displayed correctly in Korean time zone |
2024/11/11 | Android | Event detail screen does not open for events with day counters |
2024/10/21 | Web | Repeating events are not deleted after selecting “Delete events after this” |
2024/10/21 | Web | Cannot change calendar cover image for public calendars |
2024/9/10 | iOS | Some users can't log in after entering information on the login screen. |
2024/9/10 | iOS | If a repeating event is changed to a future date, the event is no longer be displayed in the monthly or weekly calendar. |
2024/9/10 | Web | When creating an event on the monthly calendar, the default date is different from the current date |
2024/9/10 | Android 13.10.0 | The latest login time is not displayed at the top of “Check new activity”. |
2024/8/23 | Android | Events not displayed in the correct order |
2024/8/23 | Web | Cannot log in |
2024/8/23 | Android | Notice dialogs cannot be scrolled if the font size is large on the device |
2024/8/23 | Android |
Attached files cannot be downloaded even though storage permissions are enabled |
2024/08/05 | iOS/Android |
Birthday Stickers are not displayed |
2024/07/22 | Android |
Events take a long to save for users with many events |
2024/07/02 | iOS |
Widgets are blank (black or white) and events are not displaying |
2024/07/02 | Android |
Birthday Stickers displayed on the "All Calendars" view |
2024/06/26 | Web | Cannot create events by selecting multiple calendars |
2024/06/24 | iOS | While following a Public Calendar, its events are displayed when changing a shared calendar view from monthly to weekly |
2024/06/11 | Android 12.22.1 | Cannot move schedule to the next month |
2024/06/11 | Android 12.22.0 | Some calendars do not appear in the calendar list |
2024/06/11 | Android | The lunar calendar is not displayed correctly |
2024/06/11 | Android (12.20.2) |
When the time includes "8:59" or earlier in the public calendar, the event is displayed on the previous day. |
2024/03/04 | iOS | The daily widget is not updated properly |
2024/03/04 | iOS |
The users who have many calendars with many members who have left the calendar, the app freezes at startup |
2024/05/20 | All | After setting the time for a non-all-day event in the public calendar, when the event is registered as all day, it is saved as a non-all-day event. |
2024/02/05 | All |
Delete the first recurring event → The second and following events are not deleted even if you select "Delete following events" -> Select "Delete all events" instead |
2024/04/22 | Web |
Events are not displayed - Please clear caches and re-login to the account |
2024/04/20 | Web | Fewer characters to enter in "Event Description" in the Public Calendar. |
2024/04/17 | Android |
In regions with daylight saving time "Delete this event" does not remove events |
2024/05/20 | All |
Deleting or editing an event after copying it into the public calendar causes the image of the appointment to disappear. |
2024/05/13 | All | Invitation link expiration period should have been 7 days but was 30 days |
2024/05/07 | Web | The creator is not shown in the member list. |
2024/05/13 | Web | Public Calendar: Less characters to enter in the "Event Description" field than the app |
2024/05/07 | Android | When adding a birthday event, duplicates are created |
2024/04/22 | Android 12.17.4 | Keyword search won't show matching results |
2024/04/22 | Android | June 30, 2024 is not displayed on the monthly view when the beginning of the week is set to Sunday |
2024/04/17 | Android | The Lunar calendar is off by a day |
2024/04/17 | Android | Blank space above events appears in the monthly calendar |
2024/04/01 | iOS | Notifications about recent views in calendar displays also in a calendar with no participants |
2024/04/01 | Web | On Mac x Safari, the screen remains "Loading" and does not proceed |
2024/03/25 | iOS | Public Calendar cover images are not displayed in the calendar list |
2024/03/25 | Android | When a repeating event crosses over a month, the events for the past month are not displayed properly when looking at the following month |
2024/03/11 | iOS | When photos are posted to event comments it is posted inverted. |
2024/03/04 | iOS 12.2.2 |
The app freezes when logged out while events are loading |
2024/02/26 | iOS/Android | Calendar notifications with members in different time zones are not delivered accurately |
2024/02/14 | iOS (12.2.1) | The map app does not start even if you tap the address entered in the memo field |
2024/02/14 | iOS (12.2.1) | SMS cannot be sent even if you tap the phone number entered in the memo field |
2024/1/26 | iOS (12.1.6) | An error message appears when following a public calendar |