Checklist when in trouble
- Check that you are logged in with the TimeTree account with which you subscribed to TimeTree Premium.
- How to check your account
If you are logged in to a different TimeTree account than the one you registered with, please log in again correctly.
Check that you are signed in to your TimeTree Premium Apple ID or Google account in your device's app store.
If you are logged in with a different Apple ID or Google account, please log in again with the correct account.
- Check if your TimeTree Premium payment/renewal has been suspended
- If renewal has been suspended, please resolve the payment method and other issues
If the issue is not solved
- If the above does not solve the issue, please use the inquiry form in the app ->Contact us
- Please state the following
- I subscribed to TimeTree Premium but cannot use it
- I have checked steps 1 to 3 from the help page
- Please state the following